The 2009 Subaru Forester is a compact SUV that has been highly regarded for its durability. Many owners have praised its performance in different weather conditions and made it a popular car for people living in cold climates. However, the same way that can be said about the vehicle model year, it is not without its issues.
Some common problems reported on this vehicle include high oil consumption and head gasket failure. Such issues may be problematic to a buyer since they are likely to affect the durability of the car. This model is a good car and maintenance is key in extending its life. Some of the problems can be avoided through routine oil changes and service. It is important to be proactive with the maintenance of the Forester so it does not experience any problems.
If you are in the market for a compact SUV, there are other vehicles out there as well. The Forester has great all-wheel drive and comfortable interior, but it might be worth it to compare with others. Therefore, the 2009 Subaru Forester can be recommended as a good choice, but one should know that there are some potential issues. If well serviced, it can be a reliable car for families and adventurers for many years.
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